This beautifully crafted golden Depiction of a Thousand Arms Lokeshwor is handmade in Nepal. Statue of Lokeshwor is famous all over the world because of its indentures and character.
Who is Lokeshwor?
Lokeshwor is believed to be the god of compassion and mercy. Lokeshwor among the Buddhist Deities is the first god worshipped and paid respect to. In Sanskrit, Lokeshwor means the Lord who looks down towards the entire realm. Lokeshwor is also referred to as Padmapani(“The Holder of Lotus”). According to Mahayana teachings, Lokeshwor is the boddhisatva who made a great vow to help all the sentient beings during the times of difficulty and hardship .
One of the most important Buddhist myths tells of Lokeshwor vowing never to rest until he has helped and freed all the sentient beings in the world from samsara(def Samsara: the cycle of death and rebirth to which life in the material world is bound). Despited all of his efforts, he realized that many unhappy beings were yet to be saved. With the failure to help the needs of so many people, his head split into eleven pieces, which helped him to hear all the cries of the suffering and pain from the sentient beings of the world. After hearing all the cries of pain, Lokeshwora attempted to reach out to help but eventually failed as his two arms shattered into pieces. Again, Amitabha comes to his aid and provides him with a thousand arms with which to help the beings to get rid of their suffering.
Work Cited:Asian, Art. “Lokeshwor: The Lord of all Realms”,
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